Art Direction
Brand Strategy
Brand Identity
Graphic Design
UX Strategy

I am a firm believer in “If you have to tell people, it’s probably not true”. For obvious reasons, this makes writing an introductory text about myself rather tricky. But here it goes anyway! A little bit about me:

I question, search and challenge. I also explore, discover and invent.
With a creative drive and an entrepreneurial spirit, I am always looking for unexpected ways to solve a problem.
I love the creative process and how no process is the other one alike. I also love how all problems are best solved in collaboration with others and that you never know what the solution will look like until it looks right at you.

Just as I enjoy the unexpected and fluid creative process, I value working in varied disciplines; strategic concepts, brand stories, and innovative tech solutions are all things that excite me. The constant change in technology, innovation, and human behavior keeps me naturally curious, makes me eager to keep exploring, and inspires me to never stop learning. 



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